Disease Control – Communicable Diseases
Director: Dr. Nadia Lui
Contact Number: 225-4032
The Disease Control and Communicable Disease programme focuses principally on disease prevention, surveillance, management, control and elimination interventions of communicable and chronic diseases through intersectoral and international collaboration.
These activities once implemented effectively and efficiently will result in the reduction of disease burden, improved case management and treatment supported by robust, evidenced based information for timely response both at the national and regional level.
The Disease Control and Communicable Disease programme offers a range of services that are cross cuttingly public health, clinical and diagnostic in nature and include but not limited to: HIV/STI counselling and testing, STI screening, Vector borne diseases case management, diagnosis and screening, integrated vector management, TB and leprosy screening, treatment and contact tracing.
Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit
Georgetown Chest Clinic
National AIDS Programme Secretariat (NAPS)
National Care and Treatment Centre
National Public Health Reference Laboratory
National Tuberculosis Programme
Public Health Skin Clinic
Vector Control Services
Veterinary Public Health Unit