This afternoon, in the Ministry of Health’s Boardroom, Honourable Minister of Health Dr Frank Anthony hosted a courtesy call with a delegation led by H.E. Dr Riad Malki, Senior Advisor on International Relations to President Mahmoud Abbas of the State of Palestine.

The delegation included H.E. Dr Linda Sobeh Ali, Non-Resident Ambassador to Guyana; H.E. Imad Zuhairi, Assistant Minister for International Cooperation; and Ms. Lina Hamdan, Director General from the Minister’s Office.

The meeting centered on strengthening bilateral relations, exploring collaboration opportunities to enhance cooperation between Guyana and Palestine in the health sector.

Also present at this meeting were, Chief Medical Officer (CMO); Ms Tamica Noel, Human Resource Manager; Ms Aruna Faria Senior Manager, Administration and Projects attached to the MOH.

Minister Dr Frank Anthony in discussions with the Palestinian

delegation centered on strengthening collaboration opportunities



H.E Dr Riad Malki in dialogue with the Health Minister