Consultants from the Pan American Health Organisation / World Health Organisation (PAHO/WHO) yesterday met with the Minister of Health, Honourable Dr Frank Anthony for a debriefing session on a series of recently held consultations and media training on mental health-related issues.
The consultants, Tanya Nicole Fernandes and Amiti Varma are attached to the Centre for Mental Health Law & Policy (CMHLP), a charitable society based in Pune at the Indian Law Society (ILS).
Based on the discussions and findings from the consultations, the team is now tasked with producing a framework for an anti-stigma campaign as well as guidelines on responsible reporting on suicide and mental health issues for journalists.
Also present at the meeting were Daniel Albrecht, the Pan American Health Organisation/World Health Organisation (PAHO/WHO) Representative (a.i.) in Guyana;
Dr Timothy Morgan, Director of the Mental Health Unit; Dr Natasha Sobers, PAHO Advisor on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) and Mental Health and Shabana Shaw, Head of Public Relations/ Health Communications at the Ministry of Health

Officials from the Ministry of Health meet with representatives, including Daniel Albrecht (PAHO/WHO Representative a.i. in Guyana),
Dr Timothy Morgan (Director of the Mental Health Unit), Dr Natasha Sobers (PAHO Advisor on NCDs and Mental Health),
and Shabana Shaw (Head of Public Relations/Communications). Discussions centred around health sector priorities.
Dr Frank Anthony, Honourable Minister of Health, addressing critical health initiatives during a meeting with key stakeholders.